Rinde 108 tazas de café... ¡¡Chúpate esa Kirma!!

miércoles, 4 de marzo de 2009

Impossible is 3 times

Lo saqué maldita sea, al fin lo saqué. Pasé el maldito examen y ya tengo mi brevete.
Que se vayan a la mierda los veedores del Touring. Si los veo por la calle, los atropello.

Objetivo 1 del año: Cumplido.

Hero or Villain?

You Would Be a Upstanding Superhero

You are alert and observant. You can see through people easily. You know who's evil and who's good.
You get bored easily and need excitement in your life. You like having problems to solve.
You understand people quite well and often know what others are thinking. Because of this, you can get people to do what you want.
You tend to feel apart from the rest of the world. You don't really fit in, and you don't try to!
You are a true intellectual. You are thirsty for knowledge, and you are curious about the world.